Earth Day is a time to honor and celebrate our beautiful planet and all the life it sustains. Join us for a special Sacred Sound Drum Circle to connect with the earth and each other through the power of rhythm and vibration.
StrongHeart Drums will bring the big drums and plenty of percussion instruments, but feel free to bring your own drums, rattles, and other percussion instruments as we come together in a circle to create healing and harmony for ourselves and the earth. Let the beats of our drums and the sounds of our voices unite us in a powerful expression of love and gratitude for this precious planet we call home.
All are welcome to join this sacred gathering—no drum experience necessary! Let’s raise our voices and drums in celebration of Earth Day and the interconnectedness of all life. We look forward to drumming with you and connecting with Mother Earth's heartbeat.
Led by: Ool & Kellie Pardi, StrongHeart DrumMedicine
My Name is Ool Pardi. I was born in Estonia, a small country on the northern tip of Europe, bordering Russia. I bought my first drum when I was 26 years old. It was a Sioux ceremonial drum. Soon after I bought an Alaskan Fire drum. I had no idea how to play them and for many years I lacked the confidence to try... and so a silent conversation began while I searched for a healing meditation.
Over the years, as my spiritual journey continued, the drums called to me louder and louder until finally in 2014, I took a drumming class from Spirit Hawk of the Ojibwa Nation. Around the same time, I also was given the name StrongHeart by Chief White Buffalo, at a gathering in Alcona County, MI. It was then that the long silence was over and StrongHeart DrumMedicine emerged. Today I play in yoga studios, churches, and private residences in the mid-Michigan area with my wife, Kellie. Together we create a unique meditation experience using native instruments from around the world.